Used to be good
This game used to be one of my favorite games. I used to play it all the time, and still try to play it from time to time. The game is honestly pretty fun, and playing though the story and combining cards is still one of the most fun things out there. Now Ive been playing this game since around it came out, and finally I think its time for a review of it, seeing the direction it continues to head. This game has completely gone towards just making money, and not even listening to the userbase or carrying about the people who play the game. If you look at the past few updates of this game, they have added nothing but card packs, which you need gems to get, which cost an absurd amount of money. You can still play the game just fine without them, which I did, but if you play game for a little bit, there is a complete lack of content for experienced players. The events that come on, arent live and are based on times on your phone, and cycle through once and only once. Which was okay by me, because before they added events regularly. But they stopped that, and once I finished the story there is absolutely nothing to do, but try and play arena. Which is another awful thing that changed about this game. It used to be fair matchmaking, and a progression system based on stars. So eventually you get to masters 3, which I was for a long time. I have many of the gold cards, and even some from packs which I I got from saving gems, so j consider myself pretty powerful, throwing out pretty much diamond combos every turn. However the new system, is complete garbage. I matchmaker against people who have poured their wallet into the game, and have no chance of winning against. So as a player of this game for years, with every non card pack combo you can think of, I am sitting in bronze 1. Bronze 1. I used to be in the top of arena and now I cant even get into silver. And the worst part is, I cant even climb because It continues to pair me up with the same masters people as I used to play against, and so I cannot win a game.
So TLDR play this game till the events are done and then stop. There is pretty much no fun endgame unless you want to spend thousands of dollars.
MotoControl about
Little Alchemist, v1.32.12